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Technical benchmarking & Competitive analysis

As an industrially focused company, TKL Vision carries out comparative analyses between the products on the market,aiming to identify the reference product, based on customer's requirements: technical benchmarking.

At TKL, as for automotive companies, the best products on the market get deeply analyzed, in order to identify strengths and weaknesses: disassembly, reverse engineering, sectioning, measurements, material checks and deduction of the production processes used.

When needed, competitors' products are tested in a variety of ways.

These phases lead to a quite realistic idea of what competitors do, how technically worth they are and how much they might cost in production, therefore to figure out the best strategies, even non-strictly technical kind, to deliver a product on the market, which might be equivalent to the best competition.


Via Alberto Manicone
Z.I. Jesce - 75100 Matera


Via Alberto Manicone
Z.I. Jesce - 75100 Matera




+39 0835 1839001